27.01.2025 17:05
Released from Customs
International branch office receiving center, BeijingCity
27.01.2025 05:18
Taiyuan city business delivery department international marketing center, TaiyuanCity
26.01.2025 17:31
Shipment information received
Edinburgh MC
26.01.2025 05:44
Item dispatched
4B airlines
25.01.2025 17:57
Flight Departure
25.01.2025 06:10
Item Presented to Customs
IWATE, MIYAKOpostoffice YAMADA Collection and Delivery Center
24.01.2025 18:23
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Zhengzhou international mail exchange station, Zhengzhou city
24.01.2025 06:36
Item presented to import Customs
Moskva-Paveleckij Vokzal PZhDP
23.01.2025 18:49
Processed Through Facility
23.01.2025 07:02
Departure from outward office of exchange
22.01.2025 19:15
Custom charges have been paid. Your item will be processed and delivered to you as soon as possible. Please hold tight while we work through high volumes
22.01.2025 07:28
Departed from [Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Guangzhou international mail exchange station]
21.01.2025 19:41
Yanwen Pickup scan
21.01.2025 07:54
Arrived at Hub
CA, SAN DIEGO, 92113
20.01.2025 20:07
Inbound Out of Customs
G�nzburg, Germany
Tracking numbers examples: